Travel Essentials

Package Design | Experience Design | Environmentally-Conscious Design

Spring 2024


Course: Experience Design 2

Design functional packaging that target one aspect of sustainability and focuses on user experience.


There is rising significance of sustainability in packaging design due to the industry’s staggering environmental footprint. In diving into this subject, it was necessary to be aware of the interconnectedness between user experience, material selection, and environmental impact. Crafting travel toiletry packaging became an enticing prospect, driven by the desire to engineer solutions that seamlessly blend compactness, convenience, and efficacy with sustainable practices.

Product Walk-Through


It is an important but challenging feat to think about packaging design from an environmental perspective. When designs have these constraints, it is even more important that we, as designers, are that much more particular and thoughtful about material and form. I really enjoyed this project because it stretched the way that I think about materials. Often times the main concern is about ease of use for the user, but adding another later of sustainability changes your perspective. Through my design, it was important to me that I thought not only about the type of materials I chose, but the amount of material/space my design took up. I am pleased with the final form packaging because it is successful in both saving material in the environmentally-conscious perspective, and saving space in the compact travel perspective. For further investigation, I would like to push the boundaries not only of the packaging itself but the items within it (specifically the toothbrush).


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