Fresh Frend

Experience Design | User Research | Brand System

Fall 2022


Course: Experience Design 1

Design a solution based on a researched problem.


My goal was to create a solution to help college students cook/eat higher-quality meals to not only improve their college experience but equip them with the necessary tools for adulthood through a specially designed ecosystem.

Primary Research

While transitioning to college, some areas of struggle are:

  • social

  • living/lifestyle

  • academics

College students often struggle with:

  • fast food consumption

  • low intake of fruit and vegetables

  • erratic eating schedules

Secondary Research

Existing solutions of study:


College students who seek to eat higher-quality meals that prioritize accessibility, have a busy schedule, and/or lack knowledge about cooking/food preparation.

Fresh Frend Ecosystem

Each element has its own specific purpose that can stand on its own but also helps support and link other parts of the ecosystem.

Vending Machine

  • many convenient locations throughout campus

  • requires minimal interaction

  • helps erratic eating schedules

  • supports convenience, low-effort, and time constraints

Social Media

  • another area of interaction

  • updates on company

  • supports and links ecosystem

Mobile App

  • another area of interaction for users

  • customized recipes/recipe discovery

  • supports grocery store meals

Grocery Store

  • central facet of ecosystem

  • convenience on campus

  • conscious packaging

  • sampler ingredients

  • ingredients tied to app/social media

Cooking Class

  • supports the social aspect of eating

  • lowers the intimidating factor of cooking

  • partnership with school allows for a cheaper experience

  • exposure to fresh frend recipe


  • supports social aspect of eating

  • gives accessibility to students who lack resources

  • extension to grocery store and cooking class


Travel Essentials | Package Design


Rare Pearl | Graphic Design