Disposable Chopsticks Rebrand

Experience Design | Package Design | Information Design

Spring 2024


Course: Experience Design 2

Design functional packaging for travelers, adventurers, or people in transition that supports the consumer’s use of a product or provides utility through its form.


There exists a common issue of chopstick placement during meals. Particularly in on-the-go or restaurant settings, this is a problem in both practicality and convenience throughout the dining experience. By incorporating origami instructions into the packaging, the aim was to not only address this problem but also create an engaging and enjoyable experience for the user.

Product Walk-Through


This project was both extremely fun and gratifying. I felt pushed by the brief as this was my first paper packaging design but confident that I would learn a lot through the experience. It is always important to me that I add bits of my personal interests/life experiences in my designs and this one hit right on the mark. I am very happy with the playfulness yet simplicity of both the form of the packaging and the graphics on top. For future iteration, I think the form could be pushed further for ease of use for users.


Interventions: Collide | Experiential Operations


Travel Essentials | Package Design